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Bondar V.I. - aducation of children with peculiarities of intellectual development in institutions of general secondary education


Contakt: Bondar Vitali, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, full member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the department of special, inclusive and health-saving education of the National Technical University named after GS Skovoroda, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: special pedagogy and psychology, history of the theory and practice of vocational training, current problems and prospects for the development of inclusive and integrated learning.

The article reveals peculiarities of mental development of pupils of junior school age with intellectual disorders and substantiates the reasons for failure of learning. The analysis of the primary sources devoted to the problems of inclusive and integrated education of children in the institutions of general secondary education was carried out, the results of the research were summarized and systematized. Two large groups of students are distinguished: children whose learning outcomes are due to a delay in the mental development of various etiologies, and children whose developmental lag is due to organic lesions of the cerebral cortex. The children of the first group, according to our belief, are able to study in inclusive classes and provided they provide adequate and timely correctional assistance to teachers and teacher assistants, can achieve a high level of compensation for disturbed development. Children of the second group are encouraged to receive education in compensatory and developmental classes and social and pedagogical support in general secondary education institutions through special curricula and textbooks and provided them with pedagogical, social, medical and other services. The article presents a qualitatively new model of person-oriented educational integration of children with school failure, which is proposed as a strategic direction for the development of the New Ukrainian school. The main provisions of this model are based on the didactic principles, value orientations, and modern attitudes of civil society. Teaching students with peculiarities of intellectual development in institutions of general secondary education is based on personally oriented and individualized approaches taking into account the needs, interests, opportunities of each child, respect for her personality, and the attitude towards her as an equal subject of educational activity. The conducted research does not exhaust all the problems of teaching children with peculiarities of intellectual development in institutions of general secondary education at the place of residence. However, it opens up new perspectives for further studying the peculiarities of the mental development of children of this category, the consideration of which will contribute to the development of mechanisms for the impact of correction-oriented training on intellectual, physical, spiritual and cultural development.

Key words: educational integration, children with intellectual disabilities, inclusive and integrated forms of education, differentiated classes, teacher and assistant to inclusion, correctional teacher.

Stats кількість переглядів1908 кількість завантажень809