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Chepurna L. - Trends in the development of textbooks creation for children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine (XX century)


Contact: Chepurna Liudmyla, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: formation and development of a textbook for children with intellectual disabilities.

 The article describes the tendencies of the development of textbook creation for children with intellectual disabilities in Ukraine. The scientific definition of the textbook is presented. The influence of socio-political, socio-economic and psycho-pedagogical factors on the development of textbook creation during various historical stages is revealed. The features and tendencies of the development of textbooks at different stages of its formation were investigated, approaches to their construction were highlighted. A scientific comparative analysis of the views of scientists and defectologists as well as their influence and contributions into the content of textbooks in different periods of their development was performed. The chronology of researches devoted to the problem of the educational book for children with intellectual disabilities is highlighted. The periodization of the textbook development, which will provide further improvement of content of modern educational books, strengthening of correctional-educational function and other methodological aspects, is presented. The data on the activities of Ukrainian scientists and educational practitioners in the field of defectology and authors of school textbooks is identified and updated. The scientific and practical value of the achievements of the past for the further improvement of the experience of textbook creation in modern world conditions has been established.

Key words: school textbook, textbook function, children with intellectual disabilities, stages, tendencies, process of textbook creation. 

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