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Logopedical support of families by means of information and communication technologies


Contact: Korol Alona, assistant, Department of Preschool and Primary Education, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine. Academic interests: cooperation between speech therapist, parents, educators (tutors, teachers, psychologists, professors, medical staff) and the public with the use of information and communication technologies and remote-interactive forms of work; logopedic support of families which bring up a children with speech disorders. 

The article shows the importance of information and communication technologies in logopedic work as a means of improving the effectiveness of logopedic support of families which bring up a children with speech disorders. It was established that information and communication technologies can provide informatization and high efficiency of logopedic support. It was found out that the modern remote-interactive forms of work will help to expand the possibilities of traditional interaction between speech therapist and parents. The possibilities and means for reaching of active interaction between speech therapist and parents were determined. They will contribute to the control, coordination and maintenance at the necessary level of feedback with parents in order to increase the effectiveness of logopedic support of families which bring up children with speech disorders. The remote-interactive forms of work with the use of information and communication technologies can be used to design new pedagogical technologies that increase the effectiveness of logopedic support of families which bring up a children with speech disorders to prevent and correct speech disorders of different etiologies, as well as to improve the correctional process.

Keywords: cooperation with parents, correction process, information and communication technologies, remote-interactive forms of work, logopedic support, speech disorders

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