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To the problem of taking into account individual stylistic features of children with violations of psychophysical development in the educational process of special educational institutions


Contact: Lyashko Vira Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Correctional Education of Kherson State University, Kherson, Ukraine. In the area of scientific interests: the problem of studying the individual style of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities and the peculiarities of assimilation and formation of knowledge about labor training and SPO in a special school. 

The article deals with the problem of training children with intellectual disabilities in independent life and forming their basic vital competencies in the conditions of special educational institutions. Becoming a child with developmental abnormalities, in particular, with a child with intellectual disabilities, an individual style of activity based on compensation and correction mechanisms is an important direction in increasing the efficiency of her education, activity, socialization, life skills development, corrective-developmental influence and preparation for independent living. Children with intellectual disabilities are characterized by general and specific patterns of development, which correspond to the peculiar structure of their defect, individual-typological peculiarities of psychophysical development and its abnormalities. This determines the peculiarities of the implementation by children of educational and labor tasks, training, assimilation of social norms, and the formation of vital competencies. At the same time during their life their individual style of activity is formed due to the peculiarities of the nervous system and developmental disorder, which has a compensatory and adaptive value for the effective performance of the labor and educational activities, an individual-peculiar system of receptions, in which pupils' favorable abilities are realized, are weakly expressed features are offset by more pronounced or developing to the required level. This system of receptions, which ensures successful performance, forms an individual style of activity. It is determined that the formation of the individual style of activity of children with intellectual disorders is carried out according to the same strategy as the correction-development work taking into account the structure of the defect, based on the formation of conscious, regulated mental functions and methods of action. The solution of this problem involves studying the mentioned mental education in students in connection with the efficiency of the implementation of labor tasks, general and typological peculiarities of development.

Key words: individual style of activity, individual-typological characteristics, , compensatory mechanisms, children with intellectual disabilities. 

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