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Martynenko I. - Personal profile as a factor of communication potential development of the children with speech undevelopment


Contact: Martynenko Iryna, doctor of special psychology, associate professor of speech therapy and logopsychology department in National pedagogical M. P. Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: psychology of  individuals with severe speech disorders, psychocorection of communicative disorders of children with speech disorders, speech therapy. 

The article represents the findings of the theoretical analysis and empirical study on the developmental level of personal profile of the elder preschool age children with speech undevelopment primary origin, which in aggregate a communicative toolkit of personality. These features characterize the child's personal profile, show their individual characteristics. According to the results of the theoretical analysis, it has been established that the personal development of children with speech undevelopment is delayed, specifically. Characteristic features of these children are: passivity, low communicability, anxiety, egocentrism, high lability, emphasizing the dominance of unstable inadequate self-esteem. It has been discovered that specific development of preschooler’s personal communication traits causes difficulties in communication on a basic and operational levels, evoke lack of iniative during communication and structural deficiency of communication activity. Based on research outcomes the author has elaborated personal profile of a child with speech undevelopment. In order to harmonise communication activity structure in children with speech undevelopment the author introduces psychological system promoting its development, a significant part of which is devoted to development of communication potential of the given category of children. Communication toolkit is an individual peculiar complex of an individual’s communication traits (interpersonal, social and psychological), which describe his or hers current abilities in exercising communication components of different activities. The given structure has a significant impact on communication outcomes and further socialization of children with speech undevelopment. Communication potential is treated as individually specific system of a child’s communication inclinations, which can be actualised through activity of communication subject. Corrective and educational intervention aiming at developing communication potential requires active involvement of an adult who facilitates the process and provides comfortable psychological environment for the child’s communication traits to be manifested.

Key words: personal profile, communication personal potential, communication personal toolkit, speech undevelopment, elder preschool age children.

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