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Organization of renewable aphasia speech therapy work with people in the post-stroke state in the interaction link "speech therapist – the family"


Contact: Olga Lianna, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at Health, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy department of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Academic interests: correctional and rehabilitation work with post- stroke patients, the speech communication restoration at aphasia of patients in post-stroke condition. 

Vitalina Lytvynenko, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at Health, Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy department of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Academic interests: using of art technologies in the correctional and rehabilitation work with persons with speech disorders.

Olena Lastochkina, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Senior Lecturer at Logopaedia department of Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukraine. Academic interests: deals with correction of serious speech disorders, people of different age have.

 The article presents an analytical study on the organization of speech therapy, restorative work in interaction link "speech therapist о – family" with aphasia patients in post-stroke state. The scientific and theoretical foundations of modern ideas about post-stroke aphasia condition are revealed. The scientific ideas about mechanisms, character and manifestations of speech disorders during aphasia in the post-stroke states are specified. The content, forms and methods of correctional-restorative study in aphasia conditions are generalized. On the basis of factor analysis of the specificity of regenerative and speech therapist work with patients in aphasia condition and analysis of modern directions and methods for overcoming it, it is substantiated the urgency of involving the members of the close social environment (family) of the patient in active participation in the implementation of correctional and rehabilitation training activities. The main characteristics of the speech therapist’s interaction with the family are outlined, namely: the undentified amount and type of care that the relatives need cooperating with the speech therapist; compliance of the program of cooperation with the program of rehabilitation; systematic interaction, conducting educational events and, if possible, common exercises; the possibility of remote communication; timely correction of misunderstandings in the interaction of the speech therapist with the family members of the patient; an accessible format for communicating with relatives in terms of providing theoretical material and practical instructions. Particular attention is paid to determining the needs of the family in speech therapist’sl support baxed on application of the developed method of questioning. It has been established that the vast majority of family members consider it necessary to cooperate with the speech therapist, but they are unaware of the issues of restorative education. Most patients determine the maximum assessment of the need for relatives’ care in the home study, to effectively consolidate the results achieved through the speech therapist’s work. The main tasks of the speech therapist in supporting the families of patients with aphasia have been determined and the ways of their solution have been proposed. The content and features of interaction "speech therapist – family" within the framework of correctional and restorative studies are revealed. Materials of the research can be used by speech therapists, correctional educators, rehabilitation and ergotherapists during the organization of correctional and rehabilitation work with patients suffering from aphasia, may be the basis for improvement of programs for restoring speech function in aphasia patients in the system of providing services by health care institutions.

Key words: aphasia, correction of speech disorders, restorative education, logopedic support of the family, post-stroke condition.  

Stats кількість переглядів2624 кількість завантажень1185