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Types of behavioral disorders in preschool children


Contact: Orlyanskaya Alla, post-graduate student of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Inclusive Education ofKamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of correction of behavioral abnormalities in children with autism spectrum disorders.

The topic of the relationship between children and parents, as well as the psychology of human, respectively her behavior, is now becoming more and more urgent. The complexity and ambiguity of child behavior leads to the fact that in science today there is no clear interpretation and definition of this concept. To understand the nature of human behavior, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the concept of "behavior", since this term is used quite often today in a broad context and therefore needs to be studied and defined. The study and prevention of negative phenomena in behavior of people in any society is a matter of paramount importance. Today there are contradictions between the requirements of our society and the opportunities of the child. Teachers and psychologists are faced with the task: to overcome the emerging contradictions, to teach the child to control their behavior, to help realize their needs for self-expression, self-affirmation, to reveal their abilities, to evaluate themselves and to be appreciated by others. The article substantiates the importance of studying behavior of preschool children, since the main focus of the work with preschoolers is the socialization of children in the environment. For this purpose, there are described types of behavioral violations. Also, the article concludes on the need for corrective work to overcome child behavioral disorders in preschool age, because the timeliness of psychological and pedagogical assistance is the main condition for its success and effectiveness. After all, as you know, this work can have a positive result only if combined efforts of psychologists, social educators, teachers and parents. Therefore, corrective work with the child should begin as soon as possible.

Key words: behavioral disorders, preschool age, aggressive behavior, demonstrative behavior, hyperactivity, conformal behavior, psychosomatic behavior, protest behavior, infantile behavior. 

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