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Implementation aspects of individualization of teaching children with special educational needs in general secondary education institution


Сontact: assistant professor L. Pryadko, Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Vocational Education and Management of  Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine. In terms of research: an implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, a differentiated approach, the ways of implementing an individual trainingof children with the special educational needs, the creation of didactic environment in an inclusive school.

The article is devoted to the problem of realization of individualization of education of children with special educational needs in the institution of general secondary education, which concerns most of modern teachers. Individualization creates preconditions for the development of the interests and special abilities of the child, while trying to take into account cognitive interests and encourage the appearance of new ones. Individualization possesses additional opportunities and allows to intensify the potential of students, positively affects their educational motivation and attitude towards educational work. In this regard, the improvement of educational motivation and the development of cognitive interests can be considered a specific goal of individualization. The author presents and substantiates the peculiarities of the aspects of qualitative education of children with special educational needs, in particular the level of mental development of a student with special educational needs and the speed of learning the material. The main attention is paid to the basic concepts, that enable individualization: "learningability"and learning". Itisnoted, и thatthe effectivenes sof learning dependsnot only on the nature of the requirements,that are put for ward for a child with special educational needs, but aboveall fromt heactivity ofthe child him self. An ignoring of this provision can reduce the effect of performing educational tasks. The author considers the ability of educational work as a key issue of the entire learning process. The scheduled skills are designated by various, close in their content concepts: abilities of educational work, abilities of independent work; intellectual or mental, cognitive skills. Inthestudy, the author focuses on the main factor so find ividualization of teaching children with special educational need sat a general secondary educationin stitution: when preparing for the study of new material (athomeorat a class, students with special education alneed sand fewer potential opportuniti esneedt oberepeated, and students with special educational need sand the big potential possibilities can receivet asks which success fully integrateinto a newtopic).

Key words: children with special educational needs, educational skills, an institution of general secondary education.

Stats кількість переглядів934 кількість завантажень397