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Synyov V. N., Bystrova Yu. A., Kovalenko V. Ye., Bystrov A. Ye. - The Research of the problem of emotional and behavioral disorders in persons with intellectual disabilities in Ukrainian psychological and pedagogical science


Contact: Synyov Victor, Grand PhD of pedagogy, аcademician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of correctional and educational influencе on a personality in the conditions of penitentiary institutions for person with asocial behavior; personality development of a child with special educational needs in an integrated, special, inclusive training and education;

Bystrova Yuliya, Grand PhD of psychology, professor of the department of psychocorrectional pedagogy in National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of conflict behavior of children with intellectual disabilities; the problem psychological and pedagogical support of professional labor socialization of people with psychical and physical disorders; the organization of correctional and pedagogical activity of the teacher in the conditions of educational inclusiveness;

Kovalenko Viktoriia, PhD of psychology, associate professor of the department of special, inclusive and health-saving education H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of the emotional development of mentally retarded children in various educational settings (institutionalized, inclusive), the organization of correctional and pedagogical activity of the teacher in the conditions of educational inclusiveness;

Bystrov Anton, psychologist-consultant, expert of intellectual and cognitive child development LTD "Center of Competence". In the sphere of scientific interests: the problem of victimal behavior adolescent children with intellectual disabilities.

In the article discusses the main scientific works of Ukrainian defectologists on the problem of emotional and behavioral disorders in persons with intellectual disabilities, which were the field of study by Academician V. Synyov and the members of his Scientific school. It was analyzed the role of biological and social factors in the process of the emergence of emotional and behavioral disorders in children with intellectual disabilities. It is noted that the choice of the form of behavior of adolescent with intellectual disabilities in difficult life situations often depends on the biological factors associated with the structure of the defect and the characteristics of neurodynamics; psychological, associated with the characteristics of personal development and subjective perception of the situation; social factors related to the developmental conditions of the child in the nearest social environment (school, family). It is considered the psychological characteristics of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities who have aggressive, conflict, victimization and illegal behavior. It was fixed that the imited intellectual functioning makes it difficult to solve problems, this leads to the rise of victimization behavior. The features of emotional development and emotional violation of children with intellectual disabilities deficiency of primary school age is being analized. Mentally retarded younger pupils are characterized by expressed disorders of situational emotional regulation in emotional situations, violation of emotional reactivity in the form of increased emotional sensitivity, or, conversely, indifference to the teacher's assessment, infringements of adequacy and control. It is devoted to the features of emotional development of mentally retarded younger pupils, depending on the influence of the educational environment with different forms of learning.

Key words: intellectual disorders; emotional violations; behavioral deviations; aggressive, victimization, conflict, illegal behavior.

Stats кількість переглядів1794 кількість завантажень658