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The characteristics of the main parameters and levels of mastering mathematical knowledge (concepts) by children with moderate and hard backwardness


Contact: Utiosova Olena Ivanivna, senior lecturer of the department of social and humanitarian, ethics and aesthetics education of the Zakarpattya institute of postgraduate pedagogical education, Uzhhorod, Ukraine. In terms of research: the problem of forming mathematical concepts in children with moderate and hard mental retardation. 

Every child with moderate and hard mental retardation has its speed, dynamics of the development, different abilities of mastering knowledge; therefore, count teaching has to be individually oriented. Strategy and tactics of forming the individual correctional and pedagogical plan of teaching count are built with a glance to the ,,personal situation” of separately taken child, which includes their level of mastering mathematical knowledge (concepts) and psychological preconditions of mastering count (general level of intellectual development, perception, remembering, ideation, speech). The article contains analyzed criteria, parameters and levels of mastering mathematical knowledge (concepts) by 7-11-aged children with moderate and hard mental retardation. For the objective evaluation of mastering knowledge (concepts) of mathematics, we detached substantive, operational-organizational and stimulating-motivating components of educational activity of intellectually delayed students with moderate and hard mental retardation. The indices of mastering mathematical knowledge and skills are: concepts of color, size, form of subjects, and space and quantity concepts. In accordance to manifestation of each index of mathematical concepts’ formedness, we defined its contents and gave the characteristics of levels of its formedness, videlicet sufficient, middle, low and very low. The article contains the main demands to the indices by the levels of mastering mathematical habit patterns by the children with moderate and hard mental retardation: a possibility to accept help, to maintain contact with adults and show interest in interaction. The article considers the direction of further research of the identification of the psychological preconditions of account mastering, selection of pedagogical technologies, tracking the dynamics of knowledge and skills in children with moderate and hard intellectual violation level.

Key words: moderate and hard mental retardation, mathematical concepts, levels of mastering mathematical knowledge (concepts), indices, criteria.

Stats кількість переглядів619 кількість завантажень333