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Vladimir K.,Silonova V., Hladush V. - Actual problems of educational inregration of students in the Slovak republic


Contact: Paed Dr. Vladimír Klein, PhD., Catholic University in Ru?omberok, Faculty of Education, director of the Institút Juraja Pálesha, Slovak republic. Academic interests: multicultural education, the organization of integrated education for children with developmental disorders, pedagogical and inclusive diagnostics, problems of integration of Romani children; PhDr. Viera Šilonová, PhD., Catholic University in Ru?omberok, Faculty of Education, Institút Juraja Pálesha, Head of Department of Special Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Mentally Handicapped, Slovak republic. Academic interests: the organization of integrated education for children with developmental disorders, pedagogical and inclusive diagnostics, helping parents and children in inclusive classes; prof. Viktor Hladush, DrSc., Catholic University in Ru?omberok, Faculty of Education, Institút Juraja Pálesha, professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Mentally Handicapped, Slovak republic. Academic interests: the history of special pedagogy, problems of organization of postgraduate pedagogical education of specialized teachers, readiness of the teacher to practice in the class with an inclusive form of training. 

Information about the availability of printed materials: Klein, V., Rusnáková, J., Silonová, V. (2012). Nultý ro?ník a edukácia rómskych ?iakov. Vyd. 1. Spišská Nová Ves: RomaEducationFund. 2012. ISBN 97880-971181-0-5.; Klein, V., Silonová, V., (2018). Edukácia sociálne znevýhodnených ?iakov so špecifickými vývinovými poruchami u?enia – druhé rozšírené vydanie. VERBUM KU Ru?omberok. ISBN 978-80-5610262-6.; Šilonová, V., Klein, V., Sinková, P. A. (2018). Manuál k depistá?i pre deti predškolského veku pochádzajúce zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia - inovovaná ?as?. Prešov: Metodicko-pedagogické centrum v Prešove, 2018. s. 107. ISBN 978-80-565-1434-4.; Šilonová, V., Klein, V., Sinková, P.A. (2018). Manuál k stimula?nému programu pre deti predškolského veku pochádzajúce zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia − inovovaná ?as?. Prešov: Metodicko-pedagogické centrum v Prešove, 2018. s. 140. ISBN 978-80-565-1432-0.; Hladush V. (2018). Inklusive Education in Ukraine – successes, problems, prospects / Podpora inkluzie v predminarnom a opimarnom vzdelovani // Zbornik Vedechych ctudiy. – Ruzomberok, 2018. - Str. 155-175. ISBN 978-80-561-0608-2; Hladush V. (2018). On the issue of teacher training for inclusive educational system / Inkluzivne pristupy v edukacii dete a ziakov. – Ruzomberok, 2018. – Str. 7583. . ISBN 978-80-561-0698-6

The article deals with the actual problems of integration processes in the Slovak Republic educational sphere in the last 10 years and  highlights the main tendencies, discussion questions and practical tasks concerning the attraction of pupils with special educational needs to general mass educational institutions. The focus is on the latest statistics from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education that Slovakia belongs to the group of EU Member States with the highest percentage of students with special educational needs (more than 4%) who are educated in segregated educational institutions. The article analyzed the total number of students, in particular primary school pupils, special grades of primary schools, special primary schools, but above all pupils with special educational needs integrated into elementary schools. The article presents the number of gifted children. The article highlights some aspects and activities of diagnostic institutions (public and private) and the quality of the study level of children development, which directly affects the efficiency of the functioning of integrated educational institutions and special schools. The proposals on solving urgent problems of integration processes in the educational sphere are formulated in this scientific research

Keywords: Pupils with special educational needs. Socially disadvantaged children. Gifted children. Pedagogical diagnostics. Integration of the educational sphere. 

Stats кількість переглядів930 кількість завантажень449