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Haletska Y. - Levels of speech development in children with combined disorders


Contact: HALETSKA Yuliya – Ph.D., associate professor, senior lecturer of speech therapy and special techniques department KamianetsPodilsky Ivan Ohienko National University.

In children with combined disorders, violations of the  content side of speech and pronunciation of sounds, the lexical-grammatical structure of the language, and the dictionary are observed. Such speech disorders arise as a result of severe visual impairments caused by a violation of the visual analyzer. At the same time, early underdevelopment of speech is observed, which is manifested in the following: lack of speech or the necessary vocabulary; the visual correlation of the word with the image is not formed, which affects understanding, and this leads to the absence of words in the active vocabulary (for example, a child cannot talk about silver snow, because he cannot perceive it); the lack of visual images affects the retention of extended statements in the speech memory; the formation of external articulation is disturbed due to the delay in the formation of praxis, gnosis, spatial orientation; visual defect affects the limitation of the child's motor activity, as a result of which communication with the environment is disturbed, this leads to difficulties in speech communication, affects the quality of the microsocial environment, in general, the indicated deficiencies affect the quality of the formation of all mental processes, in particular, speech. In the scientific literature, the state of speech development in children with profound impairments of visual function is determined by four levels (the levels are arranged according to the principle from high to lower).

Key words: preschoolers, speech development, combined disorders.

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