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Hladush V., Kovacova B., Dudek М. - Teaching preschool children with dyspraxia as an urgent scientific and pedagogical problem.


Contact : Viktor HLADUSH, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Special Pedagogy at the Catholic University in Ruzomberk, Slovakia; Professor of the Department of Psychology, Speech Therapy and Inclusive Education at the Ivan Franko State University of Zhytomyr, Ukraine. His research interests include the history and methodology of special and inclusive education.

Barbora KOVAČOVA, Doctor of Philosophy in Therapeutic Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Special Education at the Catholic University of Ruzomberk, Slovakia. Her research interests include the problems of therapeutic and expressive pedagogy.

Mieczysław DUDEK, PhD in Special Education, Associate Professor of Special Education at the Catholic University of Ruzomberk, Slovakia; Professor at the Humaneum College in Warsaw, Poland. His research interests include special and inclusive pedagogy, pathopsychology.

The article deals with the coverage of problems of education and upbringing of children with manifestations of dyspraxia in pre-school institution with inclusive form of education. Dyspraxia is a disease that has not yet been studied perfectly. Specialists in the medical and pedagogical spheres can identify the dyspraxic manifestations. Important symptoms of dyspraxia are abnormalities in motility, planning and coordination, speech and speech. You can notice the symptoms in a child from 3-4 years. This category of children is predominantly intellectually unaffected and attends pre-school education. Children with dyspraxia fall into the category of children with special education needs. Practice shows that the educational process with them experiences complications due to the short duration of concentration for complex tasks, problems with implementing or memorizing instructions, lack of organizational skills, difficulties in learning new skills, low selfesteem, immature behavior, problems with friends, etc. Children with dyspraxia can get qualified help from a behavioral therapist, pediatrician (if he specializes in development and behavior, has undergone advanced training on medical and psychosocial aspects of growth of children and adolescents), ergotherapist, physical therapist, psychologist, speech therapist. Since such children make up between 3 and 8 per cent and they are in an education environment there is a real need for such support. The KEGA 007KU-4/2024 research project «Team approach to education of children with dyspraxia in pre-school institutions: from identification of difficulties to successful inclusion» proposes effective strategies to assist such children in an education inclusive environment.

Key words: children with special educational needs, dyspraxia, inclusion, support, assistance.


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