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Golub N.M. - Features of work on the development of communicative function in junior schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment


Contact : GOLUB Nataliya, PhD of pedagogical sciences, associate professor at the Department of Special Pedagogy of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correctional and developing work with junior schoolchildren with disorders of oral and written speech.

The article highlights the features of the implementation of the communicative approach in work with junior schoolchildren with general speech underdevelopment (GSU) III - IV levels during group classes on the correction and development of oral and written speech in them. The task of implementing this approach should be the formation of students communicative competence: the ability to communicate, to achieve positive results of interaction with others through the means of oral and written speech. The article discusses the features of work on the formation of the communicative function of speech in children with GSU. The unit of both oral-speech and written-speech communication is a statement (text or part of a certain context), which reflects reality, is the result of perception and assessment of the surrounding world. When developing a statement, the students attention should be focused on: the content side (correspondence to the content of the idea, a certain topic); correct and accurate use of language means, which makes the meaning of the statement clear. It is expedient to form a communicative function with a focus on certain lexical topics. Within each lexical topic, it is necessary to solve  certain tasks for the development of children’s coherent speech, to include communicative tasks. Lexical and grammatical training helps to improve the quality of text. It is based on the individual’s ability to choose certain linguistic means. Such a choice is probabilistic in nature, since lexemes of a certain semantic series are selected in accordance with the subject of the statement, the appropriate grammatical forms of these lexemes are selected. An important aspect of the implementation of the communicative approach is the formation of students cognitive activity. It is necessary to teach them to justify, explain their position, their actions in a given situation; their attitude to certain events and persons. It is necessary to identify and, accordingly, stimulate those needs and interests of children that increase their activity in oral and written speech, form children’s linguistic knowledge, contribute to the accumulation of reading experience, mastery of knowledge, ideas about models, rules of communicative behavior in different situations. It is important to stimulate the development of students skills of self-control and self-regulation, to cultivate those personality qualities that will contribute to their more successful communication with others.

Keywords: communicative function, general speech underdevelopment, junior schoolchildren.

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