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Lutsko K.V., Martynchuk O.V. - Integrative special pedagogy in the modern realities of social development


Contact: Кateryna LUTSKO, PhD of Pedagogy, Senior Resercher, Associate Professor of Special and Inclusive Education Departmen, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: study of activation of sensory development of children with special educational needs, its importance for the formation of cognitive interests of a child, development of his/her speech, thinking and other mental processes; use of intact sensory systems in the educational process; study of the importance of the leading way of perception in harmonising the development of speech of children with special educational needs.

Olena MARTYNCHUK, Doctor of Pedagogy, Head of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: training of special education specialists  for professional activity in an inclusive educational environment, technologies and methods of inclusive education, quality of inclusive education.

The article is devoted to the conceptual foundations of integrative special pedagogy as a science of peculiarities of using special teaching methods developed within different branches of special pedagogy and aimed at meeting the educational and developmental interests of children with typical development and a heterogeneous community of children with special educational needs. The authors of the article suggest that special methods related to the search for compensatory and corrective means of teaching children with certain 
developmental features, based on the results of in-depth experimental research and tested in practice, can significantly intensify certain components of the mass educational process, make it less energy-consuming and more effective for the general population of students with typical development. Therefore, the search for methodological intersections aimed at meeting the educational and developmental interests of children with typical development and the heterogeneous community of children with SEN is an urgent and complex task, without which the benefits of the joint educational process may be incomplete. The main directions of integrative special pedagogy include the following: development of sensory processes, sensory and speech memory; combination of sensory images with speech signs and activation of speech development; involvement of "lip reading" to form children's ability and habit to supplement acoustic speech signals with optical ones; activation of internal speech formation through internal imitation of articulation; development of the ability to quickly perceive oral speech and "process" acoustic and optical (articulatory) cues.
The article demonstrates the implementation of this content of the methodological part of integrative special pedagogy on the basis of mastering the syllabic rhythmic structure of speech by children with typical and impaired development.

Key words: integrative special pedagogy, inclusive education, educational process, children with special educational needs.

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