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Nikolenko L. - Correctional and developmental services for children with educational difficulties under the pressure of war


Contact : NIKOLENKO L., PhD of Pedagogy, associate professor, chairperson of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education of Оles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnepr, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests are professional preparation of future teachers of the special education, innovative approaches to the education and development of children with learning difficulties, inclusive approaches to education.

The article raises the pressing issues of correctional and developmental services for children with learning disabilities in the context of hostilities. The author points out that the quality of these services depends on the state of subjective well-being of the main participants in the correctional development process: professionals, parents and the child.
The survey revealed problems common to the entire territory of Ukraine and some specifics in the frontline regions. Among the biggest challenges are the danger of face-to-face education and the forced transition to online education, the difficulty of organising a mixed form of work, the stressful or intense emotional state of adults who care for children, the increasing number of children with complex developmental disabilities, the overload of specialists, the lack of competence to work in changed conditions (technical and psychological knowledge) and the low level of material resources for online work.
The following priority tasks and areas of organisation and improvement of correctional and developmental and psychological and pedagogical services for children with educational difficulties, with a focus on the frontline regions, have been identified: comprehensive mandatory training of specialists in IT and AI technologies; transformation of  correctional and developmental classes to stabilise the psycho-emotional state and restore the child's subjective well-being; filling didactic material with new Ukrainian-language psychologically safe content; establishing psychological facilitation for all specialists providing psychological and pedagogical and correctional and developmental services to children with educational difficulties.

Key words: correctional and developmental services, psychological and pedagogical services, military actions, children with educational
difficulties, subjective well-being, participants in the correctional and developmental process.


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