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Pryadko L. - Application of the ase method in improving general secondary education institutions teachers’ inclusive competence


Сontact: Lubov PRYADKO, assistant professor, Ph.D., assistant professor of Department of Vocational Education and Management of Sumy Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, Sumy, Ukraine. In terms of research: an implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, a differentiated approach, the ways of implementing an individual training of children with the special educational needs, the creation of didactic environment in an inclusive school.

The article presents and reveals the specifics of the case method use in increasing the inclusive competence of teachers of general secondary education institutions. Inclusive competence requires a high level of preparedness, professionalism, creativity, not only pedagogical knowledge possession, but also the ability to apply it in non-standard situations that often arise while working with children with special educational needs. That is, such a level of inclusive competence that will allow a teacher to effectively implement his own professional activity in conditions of joint education and upbringing of children with special educational needs and their healthy peers. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for teachers and teacher’s assistants, individual support for educational activities of each student during distance learning requires the change in position of a teacher from an informant, translator of knowledge, controller to a consultant, moderator, tutor, facilitator. The case method is presented as a system of situational exercises, which makes it possible to bring training courses for teachers and teacher’s assistants closer to solving real practical situations. It promotes the development of ingenuity, the ability to solve problems, develops the ability to analyze and diagnose problems. It is noted that the teacher acts as a work
coordinator, does not impose his point of view, but directs the opinion of students of advanced training courses in the right direction with the help of leading questions. The case method constantly activates the attention of listeners, forms independent thinking and purposefulness of an individual, which in terms of European and world integration will ensure the realization of professional and intellectual potential. The main types of cases are described: case-occasion (a case that tells about the particular occasion; it is used during a lecture to illustrate a certain idea or raise a question for discussion); case-exercise (gives student the opportunity to apply the acquired skills in practice); case-situation (a classic case that requires listener to analyze the situation and find effective ways out of the problem) and illustrated by examples from practice.

Key words: inclusive competence, the case method, advanced training courses, adult education.

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