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Tkach O.M. - Сharacteristics of manifestations of infantry symptoms in children with motor alaliya


Contact: Oksana TKACH, Ph.D of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods, Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko. In the circle of scientific interests: methodological and methodical aspects of the organization of work with children with complex and complex disorders of psychophysical development, problems of overcoming systemic disorders of speech, formation of the semantic component of the speech system.

The article presents the results of studying the features of the manifestations of non-speech symptoms in preschool children with motor alalia. The sample includes 10 4-year-old children who attend speech therapy groups in the city of KamianetsPodilskyi and receive complex correctional assistance, which is implemented by a team of specialists - a speech therapist teacher, a psychologist, a correctional teacher, and educators and parents. The results of the study of this category of children showed that they have difficulties in the formation of the motor sphere, namely, the presence of motor and oral  apraxia, difficulties in synchronizing and switching movements in the limbs, coordinated actions of the whole body, difficulties in manipulating bulky and flat objects. The study of the peculiarities of the formation of the cognitive sphere showed the difficulty of perceiving objects that can change their position in space, the peculiarities of perceiving objects without visual correlation and control. It is difficult for children to remember and quickly reproduce actions with objects that can change their shape and size, made of different materials, in some subjects, signs of sensitization according to this parameter were detected. The predominance in the development of nonverbal intelligence over verbal intelligence is proved, the peculiarities of performing tasks of assembling and disassembling objects divided into separate elements, a number of difficulties in performing verbal tasks with and without reliance on manipulative activity are determined. The study also revealed features of the emotional, volitional and behavioral spheres, namely. Presence of manifestations of negativism, aggression and self-aggression, signs of apathy in motor alaliks. There are also manifestations of rapid fatigue, loss of interest in gaming and educational activities, awareness and difficult experience of one's failures.

Key words: motor alalia, non-speech symptoms, study and assessment of manifestations.

Stats кількість переглядів33 кількість завантажень4