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Verzhikhovska O., Tukalo L. - Development and correction of verbal and logical thinking in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities


Contact : VERZHIHOVSKA Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, Kamynets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upbringing of children of different age with intellectual disabilities, psychological and pedagogical bases of correction of intellectual disabilities by means of educational work in this nosology of children.

TUKALO Lyubov, assistant teacher of the communal institution, Lyceum No. 2 of the Khmelnytskyi City Council, special education teacher of the Communal Institution of General Secondary Education, Lyceum No. 4 named after Pavel Zhuk of the Khmelnytskyi City Council. In the circle of scientific interests: the development of social and everyday orientation in students with intellectual disabilities, with special educational needs.

The article presents a theoretical and practical analysis of the study of the peculiarities of the development of verbal and logical thinking in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. It was found that two-thirds of the children of this group (66.67%) showed an average level of its development. When qualitatively characterizing such children, their main characteristics were singled out, in particular: superficial acquisition and transformation of information into unstable knowledge and structures with limited use of speech support under the condition of constant assistance of a correctional teacher. It was highlighted as positive that schoolchildren want to independently make attempts to make simple analysis and synthesis, superficial generalization and comparison during the study of subjects or objects, their abstraction and elementary evaluation. They always do this with serious mistakes that they do not detect and correct on their own. Onlyduring joint activities with a corrective teacher, with the help of a visual and verbal model, they can, not always correctly and repeatedly, perform the suggested exercises and correct their own mistakes, although the vast  majority of children do this unconsciously and under the persistent guidance of an adult. It has been established that the development of this process by means of educational and corrective and developmental classes is possible under the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: the introduction of perceptual exercises in lessons and corrective and developmental classes that will promote the development of structural units of verbal and logical thinking; selection of practical exercises for the development of verbal and logical thinking, taking into account the level of acceptable performance by children; implementation of an individual and differentiated approach in the process of carrying out exercises; correct application of psychological and pedagogical support in lessons and during corrective and developmental classes, taking into account the leading activity of younger schoolchildren, which outlines the direction of development of their verbal and logical thinking. It has been proven that the development of verbal and logical thinking in 4th grade students with intellectual disabilities is very difficult, that is why the conditions we have singled out cannot sufficiently eliminate their leading deficiency, but they are aimed at improving their personal and psychophysical development, which contributes to the formation of constant adaptation processes and the corresponding level of their socialization.

Key words: thinking, verbal and logical thinking, development, correction, 4th grade students, intellectual disabilities, normative development, education, training, education, correction.

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