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Efimenko N. N., Moga N. D. - Forms of inclusion in the physical development of children with special educational needs


Contact: Efimenko Mykola, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Sciences, Professor, Рrofessor Department of Applied Psychology and Speech Therapy, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University. Research interests: diagnostics, rehabilitation and correction of the physical development of early, preschool and young schoolchildren with damage to the musculoskeletal apparatus.; Moga Mykola, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.  Sciences, Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Special Education, Faculty of Psychology and Special Education, Dnieper National University. Oles Honchar, Dnipro, Ukraine. Research interests: correction of motor development of young children, rehabilitation and integration of people with PDO.

Based on the analysis of literature sources and many years of personal pedagogical experience, the article systematizes forms of inclusive physical development of preschoolers with special educational needs, including various types of musculoskeletal disorders (cerebral palsy, spinal paresis, delayed psychomotor development, psychomotor disorders, translational problems, etc.). Such forms included: the teacher works with one child with SEN, but parents or close relatives are present as partners in the class; the teacher works individually with one child with SEN; the teacher works individually with one child, but toy partners are used as partners for her; the teacher deals autonomously with two children with SEN with similar diagnoses (variant of "related couple"); the teacher deals with two children (a child with SEN and a healthy child); the whole subgroup of children with SEN is completely autonomous from their healthy peers (at different times or in different rooms); children with SEN are present at classes of their healthy peers as spectators-observers; "Free style" (when children with SEN choose their own options for communication with healthy peers); option, when children are constantly engaged in the same group with healthy peers, but kept relatively independent of them; option, when children with special educational needs are engaged with healthy peers only for some time, performing feasible for them motor-game tasks; option, when all children with SEN are engaged in a mode of partial autonomy from healthy peers (are in the same room with them, but technically separated from them by sports equipment); all children with SEN are engaged in partial autonomy from healthy peers (are in the same room with them, but separated from them by a transparent curtain net), with some of them periodically switching to healthy children and then returning ("migration" option); "Guardian" option (when for each child with SEN assigned 1 - 3 assistants from  healthy peers); different combinations of the above options depending on the pedagogical situation.

Key words: inclusion, physical development, forms of employment, children with special educational needs, correctional pedagogy, preschoolers.


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