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Levitsky V.E. - Certain aspects of the relationship between causes and consequences of school maladjustment


Contact: Levitsky Vadim Eduardovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor department of speech therapy and special techniques of the faculty of special education in psychology and social work of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, 32300, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Scientific interests education of children with disorders of mental and physical development.

The article highlights different  interpretations of the causes of the occurrence and development of school maladjustment in children of primary school age. Within the framework of the concept of "introduction to the disease", maladaptation is considered as a transitional, pre-pathological state, the main difference of which is the lack of clear grounds for establishing a nosological diagnosis. The development of the disease can go through the stage of various dysfunctions, extremely uncertain in terms of prognosis and nosological affiliation, and most often reversible. The stage of such dysfunctions is considered as maladaptation, that is, as one of the intermediate states of human health in the continuum from normal to pathology, closest to the clinical manifestations of the disease. Such states are characterized by the increased readiness of the body for the occurrence of one or another disease, which is formed under the influence of various adverse factors, both exogenous and endogenous. In the context of the chosen problem, the greatest risk is the moment the child enters school and the period of the primary level of assimilation of the requirements presented by the new social situation. However, the same symptoms can appear when describing the widest spectrum of mental disorders: from extreme variants of the norm (accentuation of character, patho-characteristic personality formation) and borderline disorders (neuroses, neurotic-like and psychopathic states, residual organic disorders) to severe mental illnesses.This allows us to list the main identified factors that are potential causes of school failure: deficiencies in preparing a child for school, socio-pedagogical neglect; prolonged and severe mental deprivation; somatic weakness of the child; violation of the formation of individual mental functions and cognitive processes; violation of the formation of school skills; family troubles; emotional disorders. Solving the problem of school maladjustment is impossible without studying the entire complex of difficulties that arise in a child and the mutual influence of factors affecting him at school.

Key words: adaptation, school deafness, children of primary school age, school success, violations, behavior, teacher.

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