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Milevska O. - Рsycholinguistic aspects of formation of verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with general speech undevelopment


Contact: Olena Milevska, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Аssociate professor of the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Techniques of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiіenko National University, Ukraine. Scientific interests: didactic and methodological aspects of the formation of lexical skills in children with speech disorders.

The article is devoted to the problem of analyzing the determining factors of the formation of verbal vocabulary in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech from the standpoint of psycholinguistic analysis of the child's lexical development. The main linguistic characteristics of the verbal vocabulary are determined and its psychological essence is highlighted in view of the representations of the cognitive experience of the individual; the importance of verbal vocabulary for the development of semantic components of speech, syntactic structures and content of children's speech is emphasized. The peculiarities of the acquisition of verbal vocabulary by children with general underdevelopment of speech are characterized: violation of the distinction between semantic and grammatical forms of verbs, situational verbal and gestural substitutions of verbs, narrowing of the semantic field of verbs, difficulties in realizing syntactic connections of verbs in statements. The complexity of the verb as a linguistic phenomenon was analyzed and it was determined that, along with the preservation of the main lexical meaning, when the form of the verb changes, shades of their meanings may change. The importance of assessing children's formation of grammatical forms of verbs, semantic (prefix, suffix), lexical-semantic forms of verb synonymy, antonymіс, ambiguity is noted; lexical control skills in the process of using verbs. It was determined that violations of lexical-semantic and semanticsyntactic relations of verbs are factors of violations in the development of verbal predication.

Keywords: verbal vocabulary, general underdevelopment of speech, lexical-semantic characteristics, syntactic relations, verbal predication, semantic structure, psychological meaning.

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