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Zan O. - The method of the empirical vision of the state of the formation of prognostic activity in young school students with intellectual damages


Contact: Olha Zan, graduate student of the Department of Special and Inclusive Education of the Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets Podilskyi, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of forming prognostic activity of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disability by means of visual arts.

The article reflects the main components of studying the state of formation of prognostic activity in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities: cognitive (is studied by indicators: "the ability to understand the learning task", "the ability to plan one's actions", "the ability to analyze the conditions for completing the task"), personal-regulatory (is investigated according to the
indicators: "the ability to develop search planning", "Possession of the ability to predict"). The results of the ascertainment stage of the implementation of a special methodology for the study of prognostic activity in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities are presented, which includes two areas: 1) research on the state of formation of prognostic activity in younger schoolchildren with normotypical development and intellectual disabilities; 2) empirical analysis of the plans and structure of the fine arts lesson as a factor in the formation of prognostic activity in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. The first direction was the study of the state of formation of prognostic activity of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. According to the results of the study, almost all students with intellectual disabilities who participated in the research at the ascertainment stage experienced difficulties in completing tasks. A high level of prognostic activity was not found in younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities. According to the indicator of development of the ability to understand the educational task, about 30% of students showed an average level, and almost 70% showed a low level. The average level of development of the ability to plan one's actions in the group of younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities is determined in almost a quarter of students who participated in the study, a low level is determined in 75.4% of students. The average level of development of the ability to analyze the conditions of the task was determined only in 8.56% of students, a low level was found in the majority of students with intellectual disabilities - more than 90%. This allows us to draw a conclusion about the need for purposeful work with younger schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities regarding the formation of educational activities, understanding of tasks, goal setting, planning and forecasting.

Key words: younger schoolchildren, prognostic activity, planning, learning tasks.

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