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Honcharuk N.M., Chikyda S.S. - Differential analysis of the formation of adjectival vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders and normotypical development


Contact: Nataliіa Honcharuk, Doctor of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of general and practical psychology of the Ivan Ohienko National University of Kamianets-Podilskyi, KamianetsPodilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of mental development of children of various ages with intellectual disabilities, problems of communication and interpersonal relationships of children with intellectual disabilities and normative development.

Chikyda Svitlana, student of higher education of the correspondence form of study OP Special Education (Speech Therapy) Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine. Academic interests: the formation of lexical  and grammatical structures in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders.

The article analyzes the  content principles of the formation of adjectival vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders and normative development. During the study, the presence of differential features was found in children with speech disorders and normotypical development. In particular, it was determined that in communication, the volume of adjective vocabulary in younger schoolchildren with speech disorders is smaller (4.4%) than in children with normotypical development (5.4%). In written speech, the amount of adjective vocabulary is also different and amounts to 5.2% in children with speech disorders and 8.8% in children with normotypical development.
It was found that children with speech disorders are characterized by average levels of understanding of the adjective as a grammatical category: the ability to match adjectives to given nouns, a moderate ability to form adjectival forms that have more of a certain quality, difficulties when transforming nouns into adjectival forms; average levels of understanding of the content and contextual meaning of adjectival lexemes: full understanding of the meaning of adjectives used in a direct context, the ability to select lexemes that are opposite in meaning, difficulties in recognizing words close in meaning, low ability to understand adjectival lexemes that have a figurative meaning; medium and low levels of lexical competence: partial ability to perform tasks without a model and according to verbal instructions, inability to independently compose sentences using given adjectives, insufficient self-control functions during tasks involving adjectival forms.

Keywords: active and passive vocabulary, adjectival vocabulary, younger schoolchildren; children with speech disorders; children with
normotypical development.

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