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Hrynkova N., Lisova L., Opaliuk O. - Characteristics of the professional competence of the teacher-speech therapist of the inclusive resource center


Contact: Hrynkova Nadiia, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor at the Department of Theoryand Methods of Education,Rivne State University for the Humanities, Ukraine.

Lisova Lyudmilа, Ph.D. of рedagogy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of therapy and special methods of Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work,Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University, Ukraine.

Opalyuk Oleh, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of  Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Fundamentals of Correctional Work, Faculty of Special Education, Psychology and Social Work, Ivan Ogienko Kamyanets-Podilsky National University, Ukraine.

This article highlights and analyzes modern views on the professional competence of a teacher-speech therapist of an inclusive resource center. The effectiveness of the speech therapist teacher in the inclusive resource center depends on the level of formation of his professional competence, which in turn is a complex integrative education. The term "competence" (from the Latin "competentes", "competentis" -  appropriate, capable) indicates a set of relevant knowledge, which is necessary for effective professional activity, and also implies the mastery of skills, experience in a certain field. The scientific research carried out by us gave grounds for defining the term "professional competence of a speech therapist teacher, specialist of an inclusive resource center" as a system of necessary knowledge, abilities and skills, which are necessary for effective diagnostic, corrective and developmental, and informational and educational activities, and also provides mastering the skills, experience of activities in the IRC on stimulating and correcting the speech development of children with special educational needs. The definition of basic categories in the theory of professional training of educational specialists represents the diversity of the concepts of "competence" and "competence". Competence is a range of issues, problems, in the solution of which a person has certain powers, knowledge, and experience. The analysis of scientific research and publications made it possible for us to distinguish various types of competences of a speech therapist teacher (specialist (consultant)) of an inclusive resource center: inclusive-corrective, psychological-pedagogical, communicative, informational, normative-legal, socio-economic, multicultural, professional. Inclusive and corrective competence is a system of knowledge of the theoretical and methodological principles of organizing inclusive education and corrective and developmental activities, as well as programs of developmental work with children with special educational needs and typical curricula of special schools (for children with speech disorders).
Thus, competence is a system of problems, questions, and tasks for the solution of which a specialist is empowered. Therefore, competence is a much broader concept than competence and aims to have the competencies to perform certain tasks and functions, which are regulated by the job description. For this purpose, a speech therapist must be distinguished by a system of knowledge of the theory of correctional pedagogy, speech therapy, psychology, etc., as well as possess the ability to effectively apply in practice, systematically familiarize himself with the current regulatory and legal framework, new methods of performing correctional work. The
conducted analysis is the basis for the conclusion that the professional competence of a speech therapist teacher (specialist (consultant)) is a conglomerate of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which improves with the presence of the third component - positive experience of practical activity.

Key words: inclusive resource center; competence; competence; speech therapist; speech disorder.

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