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Simko A. - Peculiarities of conducting correctional and speech therapy work in the formation of social competence of children with general speech underdevelopment


Contakt: Simko Alla, PhD, senior lecturer in speech therapy and special techniques Kamianetz-Podilskiy Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianetz-Podilskiy, Ukraine. Academic interests: problems of correction of psychomotor development and research of psychomotor activity of children of preschool age with psychophysical development violations.

The article outlines features of social competence of children with general speech underdevelopment and possibilities of project activities in forming social competence. The content of complex correctional and speech therapy work, which includes project activities, as a means of forming social competence, is determined and scientifically substantiated based on competent and activity approaches. Complex correctional and speech therapy action aimed at the formation of social competence in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, correction and compensation of their speech disorders, and adaptation and rehabilitation of students of speech therapy groups was carried out by various methods: practical, visual, and verbal. Practical methods are exercises, games, and simulations; visual-observation, examination, viewing, listening; verbal-conversations and explanations. The choice of method was determined by tasks and the stage of work, as well as individual  and typical characteristics of children. At the same time, it is stated that the formation of abilities and skills necessary for full-fledged communication in a preschooler is the main task of complex correctional and speech therapy work. It is also separately noted that taking into account the identified individual and typical features (emotional and personal features of the child’s development, his speech and cognitive abilities, the presence of interest and desire to engage), the emphases of experimental training (volume of work, its intensity, duration) changed. In the process of complex corrective and speech therapy work of experimental training, the available data, information about the specifics of the development of children with general speech underdevelopment, and possible ways and methods of correction of language underdevelopment in children of this category were
taken into account. Complex corrective and speech therapy work included four stages that allow the development of communicative competence during the formation of components of social competence in preschoolers with general language underdevelopment. It has been proven that in the process of interpersonal communication, which ensures the exchange of information, social contacts with surrounding people (specialists, educators, parents, peers) are normalized.

Keywords: corrective and speech therapy work, social competence, children with general speech underdevelopment.

Stats кількість переглядів151 кількість завантажень68