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Verzhikhovska O., Hrytsiv I. - Peculiarities of the development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities


Contact : Verzhihovska Оlena, PhD of pedagogical, associate professor of the department of psycho-medical-pedagogical foundations of correctional work in Kamynets-Podilsky National Ivan Ogienko University, Kamynets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of development, education and upbringing of children of different age with intellectual disabilities, psychological and pedagogical bases of correction of intellectual disabilities by means of educational work in this nosology of children.

Hrytsiv Iryna, student of higher education of correspondence form of education OP Special education (Oligophrenopedagogy). Kamynets-Podilsky National.Ivan Ogienko University, Kamynets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: the development of social and everyday  orientation in students with intellectual disabilities.

The article analyzes the content bases of the development of social and household skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities, in particular, the theoretical aspects of the formation of significant social and household skills are highlighted. to independent life, activities in society and further family life. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the empirical study showed that the largest number of students with intellectual disabilities in the 5th (58.33%) and 10th (61.11%) classes showed an average level of social and everyday skills, in particular, a superficial analysis of the rules of behavior is characteristic for them in the micro and macro environment, not the ability to assert oneself; lack of desire and desire to improve one's own skills in household and social activities with
peers and in the family; superficiality of moral and volitional qualities; situational manifestation of positive emotions and lack of stability of motivation; displaying positive, superficial and unstable behavioral skills in interpersonal relationships during various activities; inability to organize independent life and daily life; spontaneous use of known social and household skills in life situations; not monitoring your own health. The teaching staff of the school (55.56%) and the children's parents (63.64%) assigned this level of high school students with intellectual disabilities. A low level was established in students of the 5th (36.11%) grade, and a sufficient level - in the 10th (61.11%) grade. The development of social and everyday skills in high school students with intellectual disabilities in the educational process is possible during educational, corrective and  developmental and educational classes. The entire educational process allows children to form permanent skills of practical preparation for life and behavior in the family and in the social environment. The considered skills mainly improve the level of psychophysical development and make it possible to develop the social adaptation and integration of children.

Key words: children with intellectual disabilities, social and everyday skills, development of mental operations, emotional development,
development of practical activities.

Stats кількість переглядів156 кількість завантажень70