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Zyuzin Yu. V. - Speech breathing formation of children by means of adaptive physical education and speech therapy


Contact: Yuriy Zyuzin – graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Special Education "Dnipro National University named after
Oles Honchar", physical education instructor OSDNZ №193, Odesa, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of violations of speech development of preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech by means of adaptive physical education.

The article analyzed the research of the existing state of respiratory function of children with speech disorders. It was found that they have various problems with breathing: general functional underdevelopment of the chest, limited vital capacity of the lungs, reduced volume of air inhaled by the child, shortened  breath retention time, prolonged exhalation length, violation of the function of breathing control, etc. An analysis of existing methods of improving speech breathing of children was made. It was found that the main problem in most cases is the factitious exercises for the breathing formation, which is not connected with the physiological need to increase the respiratory capabilities of the body. M. Yefimenko's concept of a natural (and not factitious) approach to the formation of the breathing function, the peculiarities of which function is an appropriate adaptive response to the predominant here and now basic motor mode of the child, was adopted as the leading one. That is, by modeling one or another basic movement mode (crawling, walking, running, etc.), it is possible to create conditions for a child with speech disorders to realize various types of breathing (from upper chest surface to complex and deep). Physical education classes for children with speech disorders require corresponding restructuring. The existing traditional program does not meet the above conceptual framework. The partial program "Fairy physical education" should be taken as the basis for the physical development of children with speech disorders, which is based on the evolutionary method of physical education. This approach will ensure adequate formation of breathing of children and will contribute to the improvement of speech due to the improvement of variable functional capabilities of speech breathing.

Key words: speech breathing, speech disorders, preschoolers, adaptive physical education.


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