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Content and level characteristics of readiness of future teachers-speech therapists to work in conditions of developing active-game environment


Contact: Natalia Savinova, Doctor of Scince, professor, Head of the Department of Special Education, Nikolaev Vasily Sukhomlinsky National University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: the problem of differentiated logocorrection of speech disorders of children with speech disorders and the problems of training the future teachers-speech therapists.

The author presents a criterion-index basis for assessing the readiness of future teachers-speech therapists to working in conditions of developing active-game environment: the criterion of gnostic-deontological readiness with indicators – the formation of theoretical and technological know - how, that is, the ability of a future specialist to use the acquired knowledge to get create a developing active - performing environment for the purpose of correctional-diagnostic, correctional-developmental, correctional-educational tasks, creativity of games technological knowledge as an opportunity of a future specialist in the conditions of a developing active-game environment to diversify, to modify tasks for children taking in to account the peculiarities of physical, mental and speech development,  game technology tolerance as the formation of normative behavior, culture of communication, parenting, tolerance in interaction with children, parents, colleagues.

 The indicators of the motivational-emotional criterion are considered in detail – persistent ceinobtaining professional and technological knowledge about working the system of developing active-game environment, the focus of active activity of the future specialist in obtaining the necessary skills and abilities in the conditions of developing active-game environment, emotional stability as a balance of emotional we will reable to relax, quench negative emotions in the process of working a developing active-game environment. The author presents the terminology semantics of the active-game environment, which consists of two key concepts - "game" and "activity". The concept of "game" is considered by the author as one of the types of activity, the middle of which is the emerging new – educational. At the same time, the significance of the game activity is contained both in the result and in the process itself, which promotes the knowledge of the child of the surround in through repeated reproduction in the game play of the action, the broad casting of adults and their interrelations. These sence of this phenomenon is the developing active-game environment. It is represented as a diver of development space of the child, specially organized to ensure its independent and group in it activities during game activities that promote the development of cognitive, educational, emotional and speech activity.

Key words: criteria, indicators, active-gaming environment, future speech therapists, criterion-indicative base.


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