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Diagnostics of development disorders of communicative-speech activity in preschool children with different types of speech dysontogenesis


Contact: Lopatynska Natalia, PhD, Head of the special education department of the communal higher educational institution "Khortytska National Education and Rehabilitation Academy" of Zaporizhzhya Regional Council, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine. In the field of scientific interests: the neuro-ontogenetic approach for diagnosis and correction speech disorders, the introduction of neurological help for severe and complicated disorders of speech development.

The article reveals the relevance of the introduction of a transdisciplinary approach in the organization of neurological correctional care in Ukraine, which will enable the problem of violation to have a holistic medical-psychological and pedagogical character, which will contribute to the establishment of a credible speech therapy diagnosis and the adoption of a qualified decision on the development of neurological correctional activities. The analysis of theoretical, methodological and practical data of experimental researches of domestic scientists made it possible to outline the system of diagnostics of speech pathologies of primary genesis taking into account the nosological and structural-component approaches. The article attempts to substantiate and reveal the structure of a holistic system of diagnosis of communicative-speech activity violations in preschool children with different types of speech dysontogenesis; Some principles of organization of diagnostic work are highlighted. The author of the article reveals in detail the procedure for diagnosing the violations of the communicative-speech development activity in preschool children with different types of speech dysontogenesis, covering VІ stages: clinical, logo-anamnestic, neuropsychological, psycholinguistic, psychophysiological and logopedic, through which it is possible to identify significant developmental markers communicative-speech activities that will become valid in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of disorders. Emphasizes the importance and necessity of coverage of symptomatic and syndromological approaches to the diagnosis of communicative-speech activity in preschool children with different types of speech dysontogenesis. The presented results of the diagnostics allowed to state the state of the formation of communicative-speech skills and gave an opportunity to understand the integral picture of violations, to estimate the presence of the relationship of a certain factor with different functions. Taking into account the results of diagnosis, due to the use of syndromic and meta-syndromic analysis, became the basis for differential diagnosis of speech pathologies of various genesis.

Key words: diagnostics, communicative-speech activity, children of preschool age, speech dysontogenesis.

Stats кількість переглядів2121 кількість завантажень1144