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Readiness of children of the senior pre-school age with the delay of a psychological development to studying at school


Contact: Gladun Olha – speech pathologist (teacher of the blind, special educational teacher (oligophrenic) of nursery school № 106, Lviv. The direction of practical pedagogic work: the correction of a  development of children with vision impairments and children with the delay of  a psychological development.

The questions of diagnostics of the readiness of children with the delay of a psychological development to studying  in primary classes of general - education schools have been considered in the article. According to the concept of «The new Ukrainian school» children with the delay of a psychological development study at general - education schools therefore the problem of searching and introduction of methods and techniques of the revitalization of cognitive activity for children with the delay of a psychological development is still relevant.

The level of a readinesss to school has been investigated of children with the delay of a psychological development who leave compensatory and preschool  groups with an intelligence level that is below average of an age group in the special nursery school №106.

The methodologies by Alfred Binet -Théodore Simon (variant of Thermena) have been applied for the diagnostics: «What is missing in the pictures?»  by Nemov R.S.;  proofreading test (B.Byrdon), the form  «Leaves and houses» ; «The house »  by Hutkina N.I.  [4];  «Remember these 10 words» and «Pictures» by Kotsiubanska N.I. [3, p. 19, 20];  «Steps» by Schur V.H. [4, p. 28-30];  «Two houses» [4, p. 36-38]; Tales of Dr. Louise Duss «Fear»,  «News», «A bad dream» [4].

Analysis of the research findings has shown that:  level of intelligence is way behind age ration within 2 months and 1 year 8 months; level of perception development is very low;  level of productivity and attention stability is very low;

- level of verbal memory is low in 50% of chilren; the average level of visual memory dominates that has a tendency to raising level on condition of mistakes and revisions analysis; arbitrariness on an average level in 50% sample of children the other part is at the low level; high self-esteem dominates; cases of anxiety, stress and fear attacks are very individual and happen rarely which are connected with family upbringing; 62,5% of children have the highest social status in the  group of  peers in a sample.

Therefore studying methodologies at primary school ought to stimulate percepcion, attention , speaking , thinking; develop both visual memory and echoic memory;  inadequate formation of psychological processes and vulnerablity of an emotional children sphere who have the delay of psychological development which reminds pre-school age by its characteristics should be taken into account.

The article contains practical advice about the optimization of an educational and pedagogical process of children with the delay of  a psychological development in primary general - education school including the conducting of special preparational work;  the correct selection and dosing of  the educational material; individualization of pedagogic work with children;  usage of  the game forms studying and practical pedagogic methods and approaches;  raising of  a motivation and self-control and others.

Key words: children with  the delay of a psychological development, readiness to studying at school, specificities of  developmental needs, children with difficulties in studying activity, adaptation and modification of studying programmes and methodologies,  differentiation  and individualization of a learning process.

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