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The method of formation of tempo-rhythmic aspects of speech for junior schoolchildren with serious speech disorders during the logarhythmic classes


Contakt: Kizhlo Inga, PhD of pedagogical, senior lecturer of the Department of speech therapy Of the Institute of inclusive education of the Belarusian state pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Republic of Belarus. In the circle of scientific interests: the problem of correction of prosodic side of speech, especially correctional work on logorhythmic studies in children with severe speech disorders.

In the article value мethodical aspects of formation of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech at younger school students with heavy violations of the speech on the logopedic rhythmic occupations are considered. The technique of formation of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech at younger school students with heavy violations of the speech including the purpose, stages, contents, methods, receptions and means is presented. The analysis of studies on the problem of correction of violations of prosodic side of speech in children with speech disorders, describes the value of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech for the process of communication and socialization of the personality of younger students with severe speech disorders. The article presents the results of the study, the purpose of which was: to justify theoretically, develop and test experimentally the methodology of formation of tempo-rhythmic aspects of speech for junior schoolchildren with serious speech disorders during the logarhythmic classes. Value of logopedic rhythmic in correctional and pedagogical work with children with heavy violations of the speech is described. The purpose, stages, content, methods, techniques of forming the tempo-rhythmic side of speech in primary school children with severe speech disorders in logorhythmic classes, the principles and forms of organization of correctional and developmental work, the results of forming experimental research are presented.

Keys words: junior schoolchildren, speech disorder, tempo-rhythmic aspect of speech, logarhythmic classes, the tempo of speech, the rhythm of speech, pause.

Stats кількість переглядів1591 кількість завантажень529