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Аssessment of the peculiarities of the development of psychomotory of deaf children 7-10 years


Contact: Anna Ivakhnenko, Ph.D of Psychology, assistant professor. Iryna Pushchina Ph.D of Psychology, assistant professor.

The experimental correction methodology of developing psychomotor function of junior pupils with poor hearing by means of active games which embraces three consecutive stages (propaedeutic, correction-developing, final) has been theoretically substantiated and practically elaborated. The methodological recommendations for its realization have been developed. The scientific methodological approaches to developing psychomotor function of junior pupils with poor hearing have been analysed. The indicators of developing psychomotor function and emotional well-being of the deaf children aged 7-10 have been defined and compared with the indicators of the same-age children but without hearing problems. The study involved 242 children 7-10 years, 128 of them deaf. Defined indicators of coordination of movement of deaf children 7-10 years and a comparative analysis with indicators of their peers with healthy hearing.The peculiarities of display of different components of psychomotor function of junior pupils with poor hearing have been characterized. The content of the correction methodology of developing psychomotor function of the deaf children aged 7-10 by means of active games in the process of physical training has been elaborated. The effectiveness of the correction-developing influence of the active games on the psychomotor function of junior pupils with poor hearing has been verified and confirmed in the course of experimental teaching. The content of the notions “psychomotorics”, “developing psychomotor function of the deaf children” has been specified. The theory and methodology of correction-pedagogical work on developing psychomotor function of the deaf children by means of physical training have been further elaborated.

Key words: children, deafness, psychomotor, development, balance, co-ordination, motor memory.

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