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Peculiarities of difficulty in the analysis of the text of the arithmetic problem by junior pupils with severe speech impairment


Contact. Lisova Lyudmila the Ph.D. of Pedagogy, assistant of therapy and special methods of Corrective and Social Pedagogy And Psychology Department of Kamenetz-Podolsk National Ivan Ohienko University, Ukraine.

The article presents the results of the study of the peculiarities of difficulties in solving arithmetic problems, in particular, at the stage of analysis of the text of the arithmetic problem by junior pupils with severe speech impairment and on the basis of which the levels of formation of this skill are allocated. The process of solving arithmetic problems facilitates the formation of such mental activities as analysis and synthesis, specification and abstraction, comparison, generalization, etc. An analysis is an operation of thinking or real distribution (things, properties, processes or relationships between objects) into parts of a component or a selection from an entire part that is performed in the process of cognition or human subject-practical activity. The process of analysis for a particular purpose is carried out in all lessons. In particular, in mathematics lessons, the analysis takes an important place in organizing work on an arithmetic problem. At the stage of analyzing the contents of the arithmetic problem, students answer the questions asked: What is known in the problem? What is not known? What you need to know in order to find the unknown? Are these values in the text? What is requested in the requested tasks? etc). According to the standard of correct execution in accordance with the content of the program students with typical development after reading and translating the text of the task answer these questions accurately, correctly allocating with this numerical data, known and unknown, desired, as well as words that determine the algorithm for solving the problem. In working with students with severe speech impairment difficulties are encountered in analyzing the text of the arithmetical task, so they should provide the following forms of assistance: to offer to find the text of the task and to read the fragment where the answer to the question is answered; ask to indicate the known numerical data of the task, to unknown task data, to repeat the task of the task; to show the student the known numerical data of the task, unknown task data, task question.

As a result of the experimental study, it was found that at the stage of the analysis of the arithmetic problem content in junior schoolchildren with severe speech impairments, there were various types of difficulties (difficulty in choosing essential components of the problem, focusing on non-essential features of the arithmetic problem) at the stage of analysis of the text of the arithmetic problem for young students with severe speech impairment . Characteristic errors are highlighted (incorrect allocation of numerical data recorded by a number; incorrect selection of words that determined the algorithm for solving the problem; incorrect allocation of numerical data recorded by the word; distraction to non-essential data of the text of the arithmetic problem) during the analysis of the task text. But as a result of the final analysis of the materials of the study, the levels of formation of the skills of analyzing the text of the arithmetic problem were determined by junior students with severe speech impairment.

After the analysis of the materials of the study, it was determined that a fairly large percentage of junior schoolchildren with severe speech impairment remains at the end of elementary school, who still need significant assistance in the process of transferring the text of the arithmetic problem.

Key words: analysis, arithmetic problem, general school, junior school age, severe speech impairment.

Stats кількість переглядів1123 кількість завантажень465