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System of education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disorders in Ukraine and Poland


Contact: Diana Aksamit, Doctor of Humanities in pedagogy of Maria Grzhegorzhevska Special Pedagogy Academy, Poland. In the circle of scientific interests: problems of rehabilitation of persons with deep intellectual backwardness, society relation to the persons with intellectual backwardness, Havrylova Natalia, PhD of psychology, associate professor of speech therapy and special methods in Kamyanets-Podilsky National Ivan Ohienko University, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: correction of children's articulatory movement and phonetic speech disorders, specialties of mastering and forming knowledge of maths of junior schoolchildren with severe speech disorders, history of development of special education.

Reformation of system of special education considering the theory of humanism is up-to-date problem in Ukraine and Poland. According to this approach, all the children should be provided with education, even those with the most severe intellectual disorders. Several years ago, in Ukraine, such children had to spend their time in special and boarding schools where they were not educated but only nursed (this rule didn’t work only for the children with light mental disorders).

Today we can organize education of all children with intellectual disorders individually and in special and comprehensive schools. Therefore, we look for the best ways to implement such education.

The investigation wasaimedat the forming of comparative analysis of features of the development of special educationin Ukraine and Poland. However, evenmoreit wasaimedat the definition of the most effective developments of both countries and the directions of their further improvement. As Poland entered the process of special education reformation (talking about the inclusion) earlier, this experience can be useful for the Ukrainian experts to reach global understanding of this problem and to direct its development in a positive way.

In the article, we described the ways to develop the system of special education of children with intellectual disorders in Ukraine and Poland from the beginning of the XIX century to present time. We defined priority directions of special education development considering the inclusion, described the conditions in which the inclusion can be effective. We paid special attention to the effective ways of organization of social, household, and labor education of these children, as it is the main condition of their effective socialization. We also defined place and role of the State in the system of special education organization.

In the conclusion, wede fined that inclusion canbe effective onlyi fit isorganized byorder of state, with its financing and responsibility for the result. It should be directed individually: every child should have individual program where specialties of its disorder and potential abilities of education will be considered. Education and correction should be provided in accordance with the suggested content. It is possible both in the conditions of comprehensive institution and special school or classes, educational center, etc. It is proved that professional arrangement is the only thing that can socialize children with disorders effectively.

Key words: special education, inclusive education, mental disorder, intellectual disability.

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