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The implementation of a differentiated approach in the formation of a coherent monologue speech of children with hearing impairment of older preschool age


Contact: Andreeva Olga, Lecturer at the Department of Correction and Development Technologies, Institute of Inclusive Education, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank, Minsk, Belarus.

 The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the formation of a coherent monologue speech of children with hearing impairment of the older preschool age. An experimental study of the speech of children with hearing impairment is described. The study is aimed at identifying the level of formation of a coherent mоnological speech of children with hearing impairment in older preschool age. The analysis of the obtained data allowed us to identify three levels of formation of a coherent monologue speech of children with impaired hearing of older preschool age and to develop a methodological complex. The purpose of the complex is the formation of a coherent monologue speech of children with hearing impairment of older preschool age audio–visual means. The tasks of correction work were formulated, the methods and techniques of forming a coherent monologue speech were selected. All hearing and speech material was selected and adapted according to the speech capabilities of children with hearing impairment. The main methods of adaptation of the material were used quantitative and qualitative methods of adaptation.

Qualitative adaptation: simplification of the lexical dictionary, grammatical structures, simplification of the sentence structure – the use of simple sentences instead of compound and complex.

Quantitative adaptation is implemented by reducing the secondary phrases, sentences.

Key words: children with hearing impairment, coherent monologue speech, differentiated approach, material adaptation, material modification.



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