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Use of visual simulation tools in correctional work with children with speech disorders


  Contakt: Galushchenko Viktoriya Ivanivna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, acting director Associate Professor of the Department of Defectology and Physical Rehabilitation of the State Establishment "KPDUshinsky PNPU", Odesa, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: the formation of prosocial component of speech in children with speech disorders, peculiarities of correctional-logopedic work with children with dysarthria, introduction of innovative means of correctional and rehabilitation work with children, activation of emotional vocabulary in children with speech disorders.

The hasty way of activating the correctional and educational process with children with severe speech impairments is an important problem of the present. Current and innovative to date is the study of teachers, psychologists, speech therapists that the basis of the development of mental abilities, the means of the main stimulation of children of preschool age is to master the child by substitution and visual simulation. In modern scientific and pedagogical literature, modeling is considered as a product of complex cognitive activity, which includes the mental processing of the output sensory-perceived material  and the creation of a model - a generalized image of the essential properties of the modeled object. In a pre-school educational organization, modeling is a visual and practical learning method that ensures successful learning by children of knowledge about the features, the property of individual characteristics and the hidden characteristics of objects, objects of the world, the relationships and relations that exist between them

Working with children with a different speech pathology and faced with problems in their education, speech therapists seek to find auxiliary facilities that facilitate, systematize and direct the process of assimilating children to new material. One of such important means is visual simulation. In the process of development, the child acquires sensory impressions, gains practical experience, and the need to combine the knowledge with the word, "perceived and seen", requires the need for communication. In order for speech to be used as a means of communication, the necessary conditions for the child to consciously address words that form the need to be understood first by adults and then by peers.
   The article analyzes scientific research on the modeling problem in children's speech development, reveals and describes various types of models used in correctional and educational work with children with speech disorders. The expediency of using the simulation method, which is the basis of the development of mental abilities, mastery of substitution actions, correlation, means of the main stimulation of preschool children, is determined. It is important to enable a child with speech pathology to intensify cognitive-speech activity through means of non-verbal basis of visual models and substitutes, and to use ready-made visual models-drawings already at the preparatory stage of correctional and educational work. The introduction of visual models into the learning process allows speech therapists to more purposefully develop impulsive speech of children, to enrich their active vocabulary, to consolidate word-formation skills, to form and improve the ability to use various speech constructs in speech, to describe objects, to compose narratives, to relate certain objects and objects with different symbols and schemas. Using visual simulation in correctional and educational work with children with speech impairment effectively influences the development of preschool children mint, attention, imagination, logical thinking, enriching vocabulary and serve as an additional basis for correcting zvukoproiznosheniya.

Key words: visual simulation, children with speech disorders, correctional and educational work.

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