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Sinitsya A.O. - The relevance of the speech therapy for young children with cerebral palsy in modern society


Contact: Sinitsa Alina Alexandrovna - Postgraduate Student at the Departments Speech Therapy and Logopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, .Kiev, Ukraine. In the circle of scientific interests: speech therapy for children with psychophysical disorders, correctional-abolition work with children with cerebral palsy, correction of speech disorders in children. 

The article analyzes the multi-vector problem of children with cerebral palsy. The theoreticalempirical analysis of literature allowed to identify contradictions between the requirements of modern society and the possibilities of such children in the conditions of modern educational space. An analysis of existing approaches to corrective and developmental work with children with cerebral palsy has shown that they based on the formation of one or several components of psychophysical development, do not fully solve a wide range of problems of such children. Thus, the problem of communication left unresolved, and as a result of possible problems in the future harmonious integration into the modern educational space. It is necessity of a complex, continuous correction effects on a child with cerebral palsy from an early age. The analysis of the concept of "support", "help" and defined stand-alone support in a number of these concepts in general pedagogy and logodiagnostics. Weaknesses in the organization of speech therapy are revealed, which interlace and complicate the development of a child with cerebral palsy, make it impossible to harmoniously integrate into modern society. It is emphasized the relevance of the problem of speech therapy of children with cerebral palsy among the medical-psychological and pedagogical support, because every year the number of such children is steadily increasing. A thorough analysis of scientific and theoretical materials confirms the need for a specially developed complex system of correctional care for children with cerebral palsy, which would become an integral model of interaction between all participants in this activity. It is determined that the most effective form of complex interdisciplinary medical-psychological and pedagogical influence on the speech development of a child with cerebral palsy is the logopedic support of a child from early childhood and her parents. The earliest support of such a child by speech therapists will improve physical and mental and speech development.

Key words: cerebral palsy, psychophysical disorders, speech disorders, support, help, medical-psychological and pedagogical support, speech therapy, early age, brain blocks, sensational period, inclusive education, modern society.

Stats кількість переглядів1037 кількість завантажень613