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Al-Mrayat O.B. - Formation of graph-motor skills in children with autism: theoretical foundations and ways to implement.


Contact: Al-Mrayat Olena, Postgraduate student of the IV course of the faculty "Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology" of the Department "Special Psychology" of the National Pedagogical University of M.P.Drahomanov, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: the processes of forming graphing skills in students with autistic disorders, intensifying the process of teaching children with autism, studying and creating neuropsychological and training models for people with autism disorders.

In the article, based on the results obtained by us of the leading causes of the difficulties of learning graphic-motor skills at students with autism, the theoretical foundations of directions of intensification of the process to their correctional formation are presented. The ways of overcoming various variants of energy deficit of the brain organization are revealed. Also, most children who participated in the experiment are characterized by significant difficulties in forming the ability to consciously program graphic-motor actions, choose the ways and conditions for their implementation, control their implementation and respond promptly to identify errors and timely correction. The article discusses neuropsychological theories explaining the autism spectrum disorder, which are based on the leading symptom complexes of a given condition. Interest in studying the process of formation of graph motor skills in autism was presented by the central binding theories, regulatory dysfunction and limbic theory. Also, in our research we adhered to the classical idea of A. Luria, Russel about the role of verbal processes in the development of the function of programming and self-control. Neuropsychological theories about the localization of mental phenomena and their relationship with the brain organization of emotions. The article emphasizes the importance of the process of succession in the formation of graph motor skill. It is emphasized that in the process of mastering this skill in writing activities by children with autism, there must be a transition to more complex differentiation. And the knowledge that was learned earlier must be integrated into the new system. It emphasizes the importance of using several directions of the methodology, which are aimed at the development of the successive component of the graft-motor skill with the subsequent purposeful transition to the simultaneous, integral component of writing for children with autism. Article, based on the results obtained by us of the leading causes of the difficulties of learning graphic-motor skills at students with autism, the theoretical foundations of directions of intensification of the process to their correctional formation are presented. The ways of overcoming various variants of energy deficit of the brain organization are revealed. Also, most children who participated in the experiment are characterized by significant difficulties in forming the ability to consciously program graphic-motor actions.
Key words: the formation of graphic motor skills in pupils with autistic disorders, the intensification of the formation of graphic motor skills, the energy deficit of the brain organization of pupils with autism, the causes of difficulties in mastering motor skills of pupils with autism.

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