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Bielova O.B. - Features of the development of emotional memory in young children with typical psychophysical development and speech disorders.


Contact: Bielova Olena the Profesor of Pedagogical Sciences, Kamyanets` - Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Department of Correction and Social Pedagogies and Psychology, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine.

The article covers the scientific and theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of emotions in children with typical psychophysical development and speech disorders. The emotional development of the baby is a significant component of its nervous, mental health and speech development. The emotional sphere launches and manages all cognitive processes, is formed by each individual and causes different reactions. Problems in the development of the emotional-volitional sphere in young children, both with typical and with speech impairments, can lead to behavioral abnormalities, internal experiences of the child, difficulties in co-operation with peers and close people. The emotional sphere is closely linked to the development of speech. In case of violations of speech development, there may arise: uncertainty or high self-confidence, distraction, isolation, irritability, etc.
The article states that the development of emotions in children from two to three years manifests itself in different ways. Isolation itself as a unit of society, the child no longer identifies himself and his experiences with others; there are social forms of anger, jealousy, envy, angry and crying when one of the parents plays with another child or takes up arms; The child for emotional image picks up facial expressions for joy, anger, aversion, grief, surprise, shame, pride, embarrassment, embarrassment, sensitivity, and others. The stability of emotional memory depends on the emotional attitude to the subject of positive, negative or indifferent. By a positive attitude, the child is able to remember most of the material than the negative and indifferent. Emotional memory is distinguished by the fact that it is almost never accompanied by the attitude towards a restored feeling as a reminiscence of feeling, experienced before.
Emotional memory provides an opportunity to preserve the emotions and feelings that arose earlier, and restore a certain emotional state when the situation reoccurs. In the footsteps of emotional memory there are events that caused them. Features of this memory are the speed, exceptional stability, duration of storage of traces and in spontaneous reproduction. In case of occurrence in a child's life situations, similar to emotionally painted events of the past, she has similar emotional states.
The publication is devoted to the study of understanding and reproduction of positive and negative emotions in children from two to three years with typical psychophysical development and speech impairment. A diagnostic technique was developed and research was conducted to study the emotional memory of children of this age; the materials of scientific research were analyzed and substantiated (development of understanding and recognition of emotional manifestations in early childhood); The conclusions and suggestions concerning the received results are highlighted.

Key words: positive emotions, negative emotions, emotional memory, children of early age with violations of speech development


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