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Dashkovska A.V. - Competence-based approach of studying the way of usage of the folk toy by younger students with low vision


Contact: Dashkovska Alisa, a graduate student of the department of ophthalmopedagogy and ophthalmopsychology, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, Ukraine. Academic interests: issues related development of children with visual impairment. 

The article presents the substantiation of methodological studying of the use of folk toys in the elementary school by children with low vision in terms of competencebased approach defined by the State standard of primary education. General and special psychological and pedagogical researches, normative-legal documents and educational programs were analyzed, that allow to define substantive competence of elementary school, which should be formed during studying the topic «Ukrainian folk toy», and become a key in the process of subject competencies studying in the elementary school and in conditions of educational and studying work in special establishments during the acquaintance of such category of children with a folk toy. The three stages of the research are determined and the content of the work is revealed in the process of their implementation. The criteria for the formation of each competency under investigation are determined. Cultural competence that reflects the level of perceptions of primary school children about the arts and crafts (basic knowledge about the type and purpose of Ukrainian folk toys, materials and decoration of folk toys, active perception of folk toys). Project and technological competence allows to define development of practical abilities and skills, ability to to perform independent practice of making folk toys (an orientation in the working class; an independence in the process of organization and performance of activities; technological abilities and skills in making of folk toy). Self-educational competence that helps determine a child's ability to self-organized cognitive and creative activity (using of the sensory-perceptual activity during familiarization of the folk toy; the transfer of existing knowledge and practical skills into new conditions and situations, self-regulation of student activity.

Key words: competence, methodology, low vision, junior students, folk toy.

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