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Dmitriieva O.I. - The usage of practical activities in the process of forming legal consciousness of senior pupils with hearing impairments


Contact: Dmitriieva Oksana, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of special pedagogy and inclusive education of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests are: legal education of pupils with hearing impairment, psychological and pedagogical maintenance of children with hearing impairment in terms of special and inclusive schools, the usage of sign language in the process of education and development of children with hearing impairment.

The article deals with the problem of the use of practical activities in the educational process of secondary education institutions for children with hearing impairments in order to ensure the effectiveness of the process of forming the legal consciousness of senior pupils. The purpose of the article is to present developed and tested practical types of activity of teachers and senior pupils with hearing impairments, aimed at forming the legal consciousness of this category of schoolchildren. Analysis of literary sources and practice shows that the formation of the legal consciousness of pupils with hearing impairments is an important condition for their further successful integration into the society. It is determined that effective types of legal work aimed at forming the awareness of high school pupils with hearing impairments are practical activities that promote the formation of legal knowledge of pupils, the development of skills of interaction, the ability to find common solutions to achieve a common goal, defend their own point of view, choose the right option of behavior. The analysis of developed and tested pedagogical support of the process of formation of the justice of senior pupilswith hearing impairments in extratime time allowed us to conclude about the possibility and effectiveness of the use of practical activities for the formation of the legal consciousness of students with hearing impairment. In particular, "Discussion in a group" facilitates the development of the ability to formulate and reasonably express their thoughts, listen carefully to others, and respect the opinions and statements of all participants in the discussion; promotes the development of the ability to express one's opinion in a concise way; "Discussion" forms the ability to define their legal views in comparison with the views of others, forms legal convictions and legal qualities tolerance, correctness, respect for the other person's point of view, peaceful resolution of conflicts; "Work in pairs" is aimed at forming skills of cooperation, the ability to actively listen and express, organize the work of the class; "Press" forms the ability to formulate and express their own opinion on the discussion issue in a reasoned, clear and concise manner; "Analysis of the legal situation" is aimed at forming the ability to clearly identify the components of the legal situation, to justify ways to solve problems; "Circle of ideas" allows you to discuss questions in a group, make lists of ideas; "Disseminating the legal situation by roles" teaches to clearly observe their role, listen to partners and teachers, treat the role as a real life situation, analyze the role played. The use of various types of games is aimed at developing the ability to demonstrate their attitude to a particular legal problem, to comply with the rules of the game, to conduct a dialogue with the participants of the game, to demonstrate creative activity, the ability to prevent the violation of rules of the game and obtain valuable legal experience in the use of legal norms. Consequently, the use of secondary education for children with hearing impairments in the educational process of active and practical activities is important for the formation of the legal awareness of this category of pupils with special educational needs. Promising areas of research are the development and implementation of a system of educational activities; methodical recommendations for teachers on formation of justice of senior pupils with hearing impairments.

Key words: legal consciousness, senior pupils with hearing impairments, educational work, practical activities.

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