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Dokuchyna T. - Vocational guidance work with children with special educational needs in conditions of inclusive education.


Contact: Dokuchyna Tetiana, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of the department of correctional pedagogy and inclusive education in Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: psychological and educational assistance for children with special educational needs in special and inclusive educational institutions, training teachers to work in inclusive education.

The article deals with the problem of vocational guidance work with children with special educational needs in conditions of inclusive education. It is substantiated that the implementation of vocational guidance work is an important task of the modern educational institution. It was determined that the introduction of inclusive education envisages the improvement of the system of vocational guidance work, in particular the updating of the organizational and methodical approach for its implementation with pupils with special educational needs. It was determined that vocational guidance work has several components (professional diagnostics, professional information, professional counselling, professional choice and professional adaptation), the implementation of which in conditions of inclusive education has specificity due to the presence of special educational needs of pupils. On the basis of analysis of literary sources, the conditions for the successful implementation of vocational guidance work with children with special educational needs in conditions of inclusive education were determined, in particular: the implementation of the tasks of vocational guidance work taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development of children; implementation of complex professional diagnostics of children taking into account mental and physical; development of professionally oriented motivation on affordable occupations for children with special educational needs; studying of labor market needs and providing up-to-date professional information on potential occupational activity for children with special educational needs; systematic informing and counselling of pupils; coordinated work of all specialists of the team of psychological and pedagogical support etc. It was established that the main directions of the tasks of vocational guidance work in the conditions of inclusion are: work with pupils with special educational needs taking into account the category of violations of psychophysical development and labor market needs; cooperation with vocational and higher education institutions, employment services, employers; involvement of parents in cooperation.

Key words: vocational guidance work, pupils with special educational needs, inclusive education, institution of general secondary education.  

Stats кількість переглядів2064 кількість завантажень830