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Fedorchuk L.P. - The forming of psychological and pedagogical competence of the nurses for inclusive education


Contact: Fedorchuk Liliia, graduate student of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, faculty of special and inclusive education, chair of special psychology and medicine, Kyiv, Ukraine. 

Nowadays there is a big problem of forming the psychological and pedagogical competence of a nurse in case of working in inclusive educational institution. This problem is not studied enough in Ukraine. Gaining the necessary qualities by nurses in Ukrainian inclusive educational institutions is not giving the needed level of work efficiency. As it has found, researching of the theoretical and practical basis those forming the professional competence of nurses, is an actual and perspective direction of study. In this post, the author is talking about today’s problems, such as: reforming of the educational system of Ukraine and introducing the inclusive education in educational institutions. Despite this topic, author will discuss the question of readiness of personnel to work with disabled kids. Here he is presenting the theoretical analysis psychological and pedagogical literature. Analysis shows us the real competence of medical specialist in Ukraine. Today, Ukrainian society fundamentally changing the relation to people with heath problems. Now people understand that for each child we need to create the comfort conditions, those will consider individual educational needs and skills. Founded the acute need of recognition and respect the children’s rights with special educational needs. It’s necessary to create the conditions that will promote their healthy interaction with other children, as well as to create the conditions for the development of a positive, tolerant and patient attitude towards kids with inclusive needs.

Key words: inclusive education, medical worker in educational institution, competence, professional competence.

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