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Fedorenko S., Tetyana G., Synova E., Fedorenko I. - Study of spelling and punctuation literacy of pupils of 6-7 grades with low vision in terms of inclusive education.


Contact: Fedorenko Svitlana, Dr. habil., professor, head of the department of speech therapy and logopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: the development of a methodology for teaching the language of children with visual impairment.

Tetyana Grebeniuk, PhD of psychology, associate professor of the department of ophthalmopedagogy and ophthalmopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: forming knowledge of Ukrainian language of junior schoolchildren with visually impaired.

Eugenia Synova, Dr. habil., professor, head of the department of ophthalmopedagogy and ophthalmopsychology National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: issues related development of children with visual impairment.

Fedorenko Igor, PhD of pedagogy, associate professor of the department of information systems and technologies National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kiev, Ukraine. Academic interests: methods of teaching pupils with visual impairment.

 The article presents an analysis of the results concerning studying of spelling and punctuality in 6-7 grades by children in terms of inclusive education. It was stated that no pupils with visual disabilities achieved the quality of knowledge of pupils with ordinary vision in grammar and spelling in comparison with their contemporaries, much lower, in particular, the high level of knowledge and skills wasn’t reached by any child with visual deprivation. The types of mistakes that is mostly assumed by students with poor eyesight are determined: writing prepositions with different parts of the speech, spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of words, spelling of complex words and spelling of case endings. It is established that in the educational process of studying pupils with reduced vision in the conditions of inclusive education the individual peculiarities of their cognitive activity are not taken into account. Following methodical techniques for teachers are suggested to use for the realized perception of grammatical material on the Ukrainian lessons by the children with low vision in the conditions of inclusive education: due to the limitation of visual possibilities, activation of cognitive activity of this category of children should be intensified; to pay attention to the proper organization of their work to observe usage of grammatical phenomena for comparison of grammatical facts, their generalization and systematization during the during various types of work; to select correctly the handout material based on individual characteristics and capabilities of students with low vision; to use a correctly designed grammatical material in charts, tables, contributing to a conscious assimilation of knowledge and the consolidation of the Ukrainian language. 

Key words: children with low vision, Ukrainian lessons, inclusive education, grammar, spelling, dictation, mistake. 

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