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Haletska Y. - On the issue of using the narrative as a method for the development of coherent speech for preschool children with a general underdevelopment of speech


Contact: Haletska Yuliya, Ph.D., assistant of speech therapy and special techniques department Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohienko National University, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine. Academic interests: feature the organization of educational and correctional-developing work with children with the moderate and severe mental retardation.   

Mastering coherent speech is possible only with the presence of a certain level of formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech. Therefore, work on the development of lexical and grammatical language skills should be directed at solving the problems of the formation of coherent speech of the child. The mastery of monologue speech, the construction of deployed connected expressions becomes possible with the emergence of regulatory, planning functions of speech. Children of the senior preschool age are able to master the skills of planning monologue utterances. An experimental study was carried out in the logopedic elder group. The main criteria for evaluation: the degree of independence in the compilation of the story; adequacy of the task; completeness, connectivity and consistency of presentation; compliance with grammatical norms. The scheme of evaluation of the levels of tasks for the storytelling is defined: retelling, narration at a series of plot drawings, a story from own experience, a story on the topic and with beginning. The study showed that children with a given impairment in the formation of coherent speech require auxiliary means. When selecting such tools, we were guided by the factors that facilitate and direct the process of establishing coherent speech. One of these factors is the visibility in which speech is broadcast. As a second auxiliary, we identified the modeling of the utterance plan. After analyzing all the types of independent storytelling used by our preschoolers, we selected the ones most presenting both of these factors and arranged the types of narration in order of gradual reduction of visibility, in particular: the storytelling, compiled according to the action being shown; compilation of the narrative by the action that is being shown; storytelling with projector use; storytelling with the use of story pictures; compilation of a story with a series of plot pictures; storytelling using a single story picture; drawing up a story in one story picture.

Key words: preschoolers, general underdevelopment of speech, narration, coherent speech.

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