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Gavrilov O.V. - Features of the development of children with intellectual disabilities of severe degree


Information about the author. Gavrilov Oleksiy, Ph.D. of psychology, assistant professor, Head of Chair of Speech Therapy and Special methods in the Correctional and Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kamyanets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohienko University. In the field of scientific interests: methodological and methodical aspects of the organization of work with children with intellectual disorders of moderate, severe and profound degree, special methodology of mathematics for children with intellectual and speech disorders. 

Children with intellectual disabilities of severe degree do not master the main way to learn the experience of others independently and spontaneously. Here, we are talking about the imitation of the actions of an adult. But at the same time we should mention that they are capable of mastering such skills, provided that purposeful work on their formation is organized. The presence of increased suggestibility allows organizing correction and rehabilitation work with them using a complicated system of techniques, which they learn to copy. Reading, counting and writing skills in most of these children are not formed or their development requires significant efforts from the side of teachers, specialists, parents, and the child. These energy and time expenditures do not justify themselves, as it is better during this period to form their necessary self-service skills, hygiene skills; develop communication skills; build socially valuable benchmarks, habits and skills of social behavior. In organizing the system of correctional and rehabilitation work, we rely mostly on these elementary servicing and behavioral skills due to the fact that these children will not be able to live independently, without third party support, or their life will in most cases turn into begging and will have an asocial or even antisocial profile. Describing the difficulties that arise in children with intellectual disabilities, we sought to emphasize the attention of teachers and parents to the fact that these children require considerable attention and a special approach to work with them. Knowledge of their problems allows us to find suitable methods and techniques for working with them to help, develop and form a person able to live in a social environment. Education gives positive results in their development, allowing them to form skills and habits in the social environment. It positively affects their psycho-physical development, improving it and making it appropriate (to the certain extent) to the social conditions in which such a person will live.  In the future, we plan to conduct a scientific search for the development and introduction of new correction and development technologies to ensure the continuity of education of persons with intellectual disabilities of severe degree. 

Key words: Children with intellectual disabilities of severe degree, writing, development, socialization.

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