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Girenko N. A., Ghasovska A. S. Formation of professional competence of students of the Faculty of special education for work in conditions of inclusive education


Contact: Gìrenko Nina Andrììvna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, the senior lecturer of Faculty of technology of special and inclusive education the Donbas State Pedagogical University, Ukraine. Academic interests: sensomotoric development among junior pupils of abnormal school in the process of hand work instruction; The development practical activity in the pupils of special schools in lesson social orientation.

Chasovskaya Anastasiya, student 2 specìlna of the Faculty of education, Ukraine.

The changes occurring in education, require the restructuring of the system of training and education of adolescents with mental and physical disabilities.
The solution of this task causes the need for labour training of students with mental and physical disabilities, which ensured development in these mental actions, practical skills. In modern conditions the qualitative education of mentally handicapped pupils is solved in the comprehensive educational institutions, taking into account the individual characteristics of children. So important is the issue of training-being defectologists, ensuring the process of teaching students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms in secondary schools.
The leading scientists of the past and the present (V.Bondar, R.Weiss, I.Wenger, K.Grachova, J.Demor, G.Dulnev, I.Yeremenko, B.Mennei, G.Mersiyanova, O.Hohlina), considered the main tool that provides activity of students during the process of knowledge development abilities and correction of individual lessons of manual labor.
The study allowed to come to the conclusion that the development of the sensory areas of the mentally handicapped children has its own peculiarities and regularities and depends on the State of the Visual Analyzer. The use of corrective methods in the course of labour training contributes to the development of the sensory areas of mentally handicapped pupils and increases the efficiency of labor activity.

Key words: sensory sphere, sensory development, special school, hand work instruction.

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