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Kolomoyets T.G. - Interaction of specialists and parents of children with special education needs in conditions of inclusive education


Contact: Kolomoyets Tamila, PhD of sociology, Senior Lecturer of pre-school education department in Kryvіy Rih State Pedagogical University, Kryvіy Rih, Ukraine. Academic interests: correctional pedagogy, socialization of children with special needs. 

In the article states that the effectiveness of the educational, correctionalrehabilitation and social rehabilitation process in institutions with inclusive groups depends on the active collaboration of teachers with parents who educate children with special educational needs. The lack of effective, constructive participation of families in the work of inclusive groups leads to a slowing down of their child's psychophysical development, reducing the possibilities of its socialization, and creates unfavorable conditions for the emergence of secondary layers, which remain relevant for pedagogical correction and at junior school age. Тhe essence and features of the categories "psychological and pedagogical support" and "psychological and pedagogical support" are investigated, common and distinctive features are determined. The tasks of psychological and pedagogical support are determined. It is proved that under the conditions of inclusive education, psychological and pedagogical support and psychological and pedagogical support are provided to families by specialists on the basis of interdisciplinary interaction with her. In this case, psychological and pedagogical support is proposed to be considered as the implementation of subjective-subjective joint activities on the basis of partnership relationships. The critical analysis of scientific works on the process of interaction between teachers and parents is carried out. It is determined that the organization of psychological and pedagogical interaction with parents means organizing in a certain way all the components, bringing them to one whole, which will ensure the achievement of the intended purpose. The model of psychological and pedagogical interaction of teachers and parents of children with special needs is developed. The internal and external results of such interaction are determined. The results of the practical implementation of the developed model in theconditions of the Municipal multidisciplinary training and rehabilitation center №1 of the Dnipropetrovsk regional council are presented.

Key words: inclusive education, children with special needs, psychological and pedagogical support, psychological and pedagogical support, socialization of children with special needs. 

Stats кількість переглядів1896 кількість завантажень962