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Konstantinov O., Kasprovich R. - Prevention of violations of voice from teachers.


Information about the author: Oksana Konstantinov, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Speech Therapy and Special Methods at Kamyanets-Podilsky National University named by Ivan Ogienko.

Ruslan Kasprovich, Magister, Speech therapist.

The article presents an analysis of the results of a study aimed at studying voice impairment among teachers of general education institutions. It is noted that teachers are much more likely to experience violations of voice than those of other professions. By questioning the teachers, it has been found that prevention of voice and respiratory disorders is necessary, but a significant number of respondents do not pay attention to the state of the voice during illness. The most commonly occurring disease of the voice and respiratory apparatus such as: laryngitis; pharyngitis, trachealis. The reasons for the violations of the voice of the respondents are determined daily pressure on the voice, weakness of the vocal apparatus, lack of full respiration and non-observance of the rules of prevention of voice. To assess the acoustic characteristics of the voice, we have identified the characteristics of the voice. Voice force, voice height, timbre of voice, voice quality, melodic-intonation side of sound, definition of the time of maximal phonation. According to the results of the study, the state of the height of the voice, the strength of voice, the voice of voice, the formation of respiration and the melodic-intonational side of the speech of the teachers were revealed. On the basis of the results of the study, teachers of the group of the risk of voice disorders were allocated. To improve the voice and respiratory function, these teachers were offered preventive work, which included the following directions: the development of the height of the voice; the development of the duration and sound of the voice; development of voice voice; staging of a singing voice; the development of the rhythmic-melodic-intonational side of speech.

Key words: voice, dysphonia, phonasthenia, voice force, voice height. 

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